41 the equation for the demand curve in the below diagram
Consider the following weekly supply and demand tables for product X: Draw the supply and demand curves on the same diagram. Determine the equilibrium price and ...1 answer · 0 votes: #Please rate positively...thank you 1) Answer-B , P= 4+.30. at price 10 to Q=20 Quanity is 20 P = 4 +0.39 P = 4+ 3x20 P- 4+ 6.0 P= 10 e=h 2) Answer. ... Can anyone answer the question posted here?: [https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3527645/converting-a-2-d-helix-with-pitch-increasing-at-multiples-of-an-angle-to-hyper](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3527645/converting-a-2-d-helix-with-pitch-increasing-at-multiples-of-an-angle-to-hyper) I've asked lots of people, including my calculus professor, friends and a few forums and no one can / will help. So, I'd be very thankful for some help. I know it must be possible to solve! Th...
The following equations describe the market for wheat in 1998: QS = 1944 + 207P and ... demand, the new demand curve ′QD , would be equal to QD + 200, or.11 pages

The equation for the demand curve in the below diagram
My computer tells me that the correct answer is ***P=4x-8*** but I don't know how to get that answer. I tried to complete it using the FOIL method which I usually use for binomials but I always come up with P=(x\^2)-4x-12. Can some one help me figure out how to get that answer I have to computer generate these for a project and the professor said we can use any language and program it, or we can find a site that does it. I really do not want to learn MATLAB for a 10% grade currently. Does anyone have sites they recommend? wolfram alpha can only do one or the other, not both at the same time on the same graph In general, I already learn that in elastic region on stress strain diagram, the line should be increasing linearly and the law y=mx is applied. But when I plot the tensile stress strain diagram with real experimental data from steel tensile test, I notice that the line in the elastic region is not straight line. Is there any scientific explainations for it? Edit: Thank you for those who replied on the comment section.:) very appreciate it.
The equation for the demand curve in the below diagram. I think you will find this useful: New Doc 2019-04-12 17.41.20 https://www.camscanner.com/share/show?encrypt_id=MHgzZjUzNDEyOQ%3D%3D&sid=D440976A224841AERR7dy6S0 Shared using #CamScanner Hey there, i once heard about a method or equation or something that when applied you could find a curve that satisfied certain conditions. I think it must exist a method, because when you have 2 points in a plane you have a line and you can calculate the slope, when you have 3 fixed points you can calculate a parabola with a set of equations but when the degree of the polynomial is greater than 3 the set of equations becomes a bit complex, i think it has to do something with Lagrange(?? i dont ... I've been given this level curve graph: https://gyazo.com/f3ec91664fd986e83049ac2749ba24c4 and am asked to find the equation g(x,y). How do I go about doing this? Also, I had trouble identifying and visualizing the different level curve graphs of different multi variable functions. How do I go about doing that as well? For example, I know if I have z = x+y, I have to replace z with a constant C where C can be 1, 2, 3, ... k. Then I isolate y and make a graph for the single variable functio... Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. I'll leave this up so you can see my mistake lol. I'm going to use the linear motion symbols because I'm not on PC. S = ut + (1/2)at^2 u = 2 radians s^-1 t = 5s a = 0.5 radians s^-2 I can cancel out seconds for ut (total = 10 radians), but I need help cancelling out the seconds on the right side of the + If I just make t = 5 on the right, I end up with 25 but because there are no units, I end up with seconds on the bottom of the fraction like so: 0.5 ...
Pretty crazy times we're in... https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/germany-s-whole-yield-curve-dives-below-0-for-the-first-time-1.1296327 In general, I already learn that in elastic region on stress strain diagram, the line should be increasing linearly and the law y=mx is applied. But when I plot the tensile stress strain diagram with real experimental data from steel tensile test, I notice that the line in the elastic region is not straight line. Is there any scientific explainations for it? Edit: Thank you for those who replied on the comment section.:) very appreciate it. I have to computer generate these for a project and the professor said we can use any language and program it, or we can find a site that does it. I really do not want to learn MATLAB for a 10% grade currently. Does anyone have sites they recommend? wolfram alpha can only do one or the other, not both at the same time on the same graph My computer tells me that the correct answer is ***P=4x-8*** but I don't know how to get that answer. I tried to complete it using the FOIL method which I usually use for binomials but I always come up with P=(x\^2)-4x-12. Can some one help me figure out how to get that answer
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